Take a look at my work - Labas Gas Technology

Web & product catalogue design

Labas Gas
web design
What I did

What I've covered

Labas Gas Technology is a new e-catalogue platform by Labas Gas, a prominent Lithuanian gas provider. The new website will expand their digital presence and enhance the customer experience by allowing them to explore gas equipment online. I think we made the transition between the web pages and the e-catalogue seamless, but take a look for yourself.

Šarūnas Viselga
Project manager

Indre is creative, reliable, and honest. I have been working with her for the last 6 years, and I am happy with how she conveys various online solutions through visuals. Her work is modern, minimalistic, and, most importantly, in line with the design trends.

Minimalistic & clean

Labas Gas sells gas equipment. They are technicians. They have an engineering mindset and prefer concise and straightforward communication. That’s why I went with a neat and uncomplicated product catalogue design.

Corparate font and colors

Colors: Orange, Red and Light Grey.

I used the logo colors of Labas Gas to establish a connection between Labas Gas Technology and Labas Gas.

Font: Blogger Sans