Lietūkio rūmai is a beautiful monument for Lithuania’s architecture. Designed in the 1930s by Karolis Reisonas, a prestigious structure has been resurrected to a new life as a luxurious apartment building. Their website represents the historical spirit of a place and invites visitors to explore their home-to-be. I had a great experience while working on this project!
The 1930s was the time of Art Deco and Avante Garde – a somewhat perfect representation of sleek and geometrical styles. Mirroring the same spirit, I created a website and logo design that incorporates elegant lines and minimalistic features.
Can a logo have a whole mini-version of a building? It sure can! I designed a precise replica of the apartment building perched between two words – Lietūkio rūmai – the project name. Exact dimensions make it easy to scale the logo to fit any layouts the project might need.
Color: blue and light blue
Cold and distant blues embody the sophisticated manners of 1930s aristocracy and play well with the soft and tranquil vibe of the web.
Font: Playfair Display and Proxima Nova
Serif family fonts are classic. That’s why they fit the sharp and clean website design so perfectly.
Indre is creative, reliable, and honest. I have been working with her for the last 6 years, and I am happy with how she conveys various online solutions through visuals. Her work is modern, minimal- istic, and, most importantly, in line with the design trends.