Take a look at my work - Leddex


logo, branding, UX/UI, social
What I did

What lies behind the name LED-DEX?

Leddex is a Lithuania-based company that produces LED light luminaires. For their website redesign I drew inspiration from the Company’s name – LED-DEX. In the logo, I connected the two parts with an infinity symbol – a tribute to the endless product application options.

Miroslav Leščinski
Managing director | Leddex

Indre has worked at the Leddex marketing-design department for three years. We appreciate her creativity and hard work.
As a designer, she created our brandbook and ad design guidelines. Indre designed our entire website and integrated content management and search systems.
As a marketing specialist, Indre communicated the company’s values through various channels, like social media, newsletters, and international exhibitions.
We are grateful to Indre for the projects she was on. She is a responsible and reliable person.

User Experience

I made Leddex’s digital presence livelier, more user-friendly, and more interactive. To enhance the user experience, I categorized products/projects, organized them in a digital catalog, and created a simple yet informative product page, all in a consistent corporate style.

Corporate Font & Colors

Nunito font has this rigid style that correlates well with the manufacturing-engineering spirit of the Company.

Leddex green has been selected after research, as we found that little competition uses this color and that it would make Leddex more recognizable.